Find stolen phone
Find mobile phone much easier if it is tied to a mini-stick, which responds to the whistle or clap their hands. You can buy a keychain in stores that sell such trifles, and on the Internet. You can also buy this gadget as 'Nepoteryayku' which will alert when you remove the transmitter from the receiver by a certain distance, ie, in removing you from your mobile phone and vice versa, when approaching the transmitter to the receiver (in the case of search of the lost object).

At home, you need to look for mobile very carefully, and it should be done, even in places where you think it just can not be. As an example for others to follow, you can remember how to look for clues the police or soldiers. They pull up and down the thread, creating a grid of squares, each square and scrutinize. In our case it is not necessary to pull the thread, but visually divide the room into zones - should be.