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IMEI can be found on the box of the phone, underneath the battery or by dialing *#06# on your phone
If you want you can also specify a phone number
Need to contact you. We'll keep it a secret.

If you came to the registration page, then most likely you could not find your phone in our database. On the form above you can add your phone to our database yourself, in case your phone is found, the person who found your phone can contact you to return your phone. Therefore, carefully monitor the accuracy and truthfulness of the information you provide, it is primarily in your interests. Also you can periodically continue to monitor the information on the site, as perhaps the person who found the phone incorrectly check your phone, but correctly add it to the database. In addition, as a gratitude to us, as well as to help yourself and others like you victims of losing the phone you can do a service distributing this site.

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