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Enter IMEI here

If you came to this page, you probably came from a search page or a direct link. This site is for searching for lost and stolen phones. The service is free, based on volunteer information and hosted on servers paid for by sponsors. If you need help, you can use the search bar on the left to search for your phone. If your phone is not in the database, you will be asked to add it to our database, so that if your phone is found, someone who found it can contact you. If you want to learn more about this subject, you can use the articles at the bottom of the site. Our site has been providing services in phone repossession for the past 8 years. We will be glad if our work will not be in vain and it will be useful to you in gratitude for our efforts, we do not ask for money, you can help us and other people by distributing a link to our site.

Today everyone has a personal mobile phone in his pocket. People take their smartphones everywhere: to work, schools, shops, cafes,when they go for a walk or to a disco, which in fact is not surprising, because thanks to the smartphones, we can stay in touch wherever we are. However, having smartphone all the time means facing a risk of losing it, and it is not just theft or robbery we are talking about, we can lose it ourselves, forget it somewhere, or it can fall out of our pocket. How can we find the device then?!

The International Mobile Station Equipment Identity or IMEI is a unique number which helps to identify mobile phones, as well as some satellite phones. It is usually found printed on the box of the phone or inside the battery compartment of the phone, but it can also be displayed on the screen of most phones by entering *#06# on the dialpad, ortherwise it can be found in the settings menu of the smartphone.

Nowadays it is possible to find the smartphone in theory, but practically it is quite difficult. There is a need to create a service where everyone trying to find his smartphone could apply for help. At first glance it seems like an easily solvable problem: you find your IMEI code on the phone and you get your smartphone back. Alas, it's not that easy.

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